Cuireadh: Léacht Tionscnaimh an Ollaimh Fionntán de Brún
A Chara
Tá cuireadh ort freastal ar léacht tionscnaimh an Ollaimh Fionntán de Brún, Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge, Ollscoil Mhá Nuad, Déardaoin 10 Bealtaine 2018 ar 18:30 i Léachtlann 4 Foirgneamh John Hume (Campas Thuaidh). Is go dátheangach, i nGaeilge agus i mBéarla, a thabharfar an léacht tionscnaimh. Is é teideal na léachta:
Ag seachaint 'cith na baoise' – an Ghaeilge, an tAthbheochanachas agus Stair na nIdéanna/
Escaping the 'shower of folly' – the Irish language, Revivalism and the History of Ideas
Beidh fíon agus sólaistí ar fáil díreach tar éis na léachta.
R.S.V.P. [email protected]
Teil. +353 1 708 3666
Invitation: Inaugural Lecture by Professor Fionntán de Brún
A Chara
You are invited to attend the inaugural lecture of Professor Fionntán de Brún, Department of Modern Irish, Maynooth University, on Thursday 10th May at 18:30 in Lecture Theatre 4 John Hume Building (North Campus). The inaugural lecture will be given bilingually, in Irish and in English. The title of the lecture is:
Ag seachaint 'cith na baoise' – an Ghaeilge, an tAthbheochanachas agus Stair na nIdéanna/
Escaping the 'shower of folly' – the Irish language, Revivalism and the History of Ideas
There will be a wine reception/refreshments directly after the lecture.
R.S.V.P. [email protected]
Tel. +353 1 708 3666