
silhouette of a man against a night sky

MU researchers awarded IRC enterprise partnership funding

The projects bring together researchers with an enterprise or employer to collaborate on a research project of mutual interest.

Tuesday, 03 October 2023

MU funded to establish new criminal justice research partnership

On 2 October 2023, a new project commenced at Maynooth University, with €75,798 of funding from the National Open Research Forum (NORF) Open Research Fund. Led by Dr. Ian Marder (Assistant Professor in Criminology and Co-Deputy Director of the Research Centre for Criminology at the School of Law and Criminology), the aim is to embed a culture of interdisciplinary open research in criminal justice in Ireland.

Monday, 02 October 2023

TUTOR project publishes its first research report on inclusive education

The first research report from the TUTOR inclusive education project has been published, giving insights into both the national and EU policies, frameworks and research in relation to inclusive education.

Friday, 29 September 2023

Launch of Critical and Feminist (C&F) Research Policy Analysis ESAI Special Interest Group

Launch of Critical and Feminist (C&F) Research Policy Analysis ESAI Special Interest Group

Friday, 29 September 2023

Dr Nicola Mountford

Research Win on the SFI/Irish Aid Sustainable Development Goal Challenge

Research Win on the SFI/Irish Aid Sustainable Development Goal Challenge

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Maynooth University team triumphs in SFI-Irish Aid SDG Challenge

Maynooth research team to focus on neonatal mortality

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Professor Michael Doherty presents paper at the 46th Dublin Economics Workshop

Prof Doherty presented a paper on upcoming developments in terms of employment relations regulation, looking at issues of collective bargaining, employment status and bogus self-employment, and remote work.

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Maynooth Centre for European Law welcomes Judge Dean Spielmann and the Honourable Ms Justice Niamh Hyland

The launch of the Maynooth Centre for European Law (MCEL) will take place on Wednesday October 4th at Renehan Hall, St Patricks College, South Campus, Maynooth University.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

International Conference to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Biotechnology Directive organised by academics at Maynooth University and the University of Sheffield on 14th and 15th September 2023

This two-day conference featured topical papers and discussions which assessed the role, operation, and impact of the Biotechnology Directive 25 years after its adoption, including assessing its legal, ethical, and social implications for the patentability of biotechnological inventions.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Post Graduate Awards and Research Day 2023

Several awards were presented to postgraduate students at the recent Research Day symposium held on campus. This annual event showcases the research being undertaken in the department.

Sunday, 24 September 2023
