Prof Anna Hickey-Moody

Arts and Humanities Institute, Media Studies


Iontas Building


Anna Hickey-Moody is the inaugural Professor of Intersectional Humanities in the Arts and Humanities Research Institute at Maynooth. Her work explores intersecting angles of disadvantage through philosophical and creative approaches. She came to Maynooth to develop interdisciplinary research culture exploring intersectionality across the humanities. Prior to joining Maynooth, Anna was Professor of Media and Communication at RMIT University, Melbourne where she held an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship called Interfaith Childhoods. For this large research project, Anna created a unique, responsive research design that allowed her to collaborate with hard to reach communities through building strong relationships with children through artmaking. She worked with schools, communities and religious organizations across Australia and the U.K to collect and share stories of faith told by diverse religious and secular people. This method offered a way of developing public understandings of what belonging feels like in superdiverse, multicultural cities. You can read what the research participants had to say in the book Faith Stories: Sustaining Meaning and Community in Troubling Times (MUP, 2023). Anna also led the Creative Research in Methods and Practice (CRiMP Lab) and you can read the lab’s work in a collection coming out with Edinburgh University Press in 2024.  This feminist research laboratory supported a community of queer and gender diverse researchers working at the intersection of creative practice as a research method, visual sociology and creative anthropology at RMIT. Before joining RMIT University, Anna was Associate Professor of Gender and Cultural Studies at the University of Sydney. She has also held positions at Goldsmiths, London and Monash University, Melbourne. Anna is a very experienced PhD supervisor and is available to supervise projects exploring religion, disability, sexuality, gender, race, youth. She has published widely on gender, sexuality, disability, religion and race and racism as they shape young lives.


Year Publication
2023 Hickey-Moody, A (2023) Faith Stories: Sustaining Difference in Troubling Times. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2021 Hickey-Moody, A; Horn, C; Willcox, M; Florence, E (2021) Arts-Based Methods for Research with Children. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
2021 Hickey-Moody, A; Knight, L; Florence, E (2021) Childhood, Citizenship & the Anthropocene: Posthuman Publics and Civics. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
2019 Hickey-Moody, A (2019) Deleuze and Masculinity. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
2016 Harwood, V; Hickey-Moody, A; McMahon, S; O'Shea, S (2016) The Politics of Widening Participation: Making Educational Futures. Oxon: Routledge.
2012 Hickey-Moody, A (2012) Youth, Arts and Education. Oxon: Routledge.
2009 Hickey-Moody, A (2009) Unimaginable Bodies: Intellectual Disability, Performance and Becomings. Netherlands: Sense.
2006 Kenway, J; Kraack, A; Hickey-Moody, A (2006) Masculinity Beyond the Metropolis. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2018 Bohlmann, M.P.J;Hickey-Moody, A (Ed.). (2018) Deleuze and Children. UK: Edinburgh University Press,
2018 Grealy, S;Driscoll, C;Hickey-Moody, A (Ed.). (2018) Youth, Technology, Governance, Experience. New York: Routledge,
2015 Hickey-Moody, A;Page, T (Ed.). (2015) Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms. New York: Rowman and Littlefield,
2011 Hickey-Moody, A;Crowley, E (Ed.). (2011) Disability Matters: Pedagogy, Media and Affect. New York: Routledge,
2007 Hickey-Moody, A;Malins, P (Ed.). (2007) Deleuzian Encounters: Studies in Contemporary Social Issues. London: Palgrave Macmillan,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Hickey-Moody, A; Kelly, P; Brook, S; Wong-Hurbert, T; Cornell, C; Khan, R (2022) 'Youth arts as popular education: Cultural Studies at the edges of the creative industries'. CONTINUUM: JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES, 36 (5):699-710. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Hickey-Moody, A; Horn, C (2022) 'Family stories as resources for a decolonial culturally responsive pedagogy'. Discourse: Studies in Cultural Politics, 43 (5):804-820. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Hickey-Moody, A (2021) 'Nuevo materialismo, etnografía, y Práctica social comprometida: pliegues espacio-tiempo y la agencia de la materia'. Praxis Educativa, 25 (1):1-14.
2021 Hickey-Moody, A; Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A; Rousell, D; Hartley, S (2021) 'Children’s Carbon Cultures'. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 21 (3):214-224.
2019 Hickey-Moody, A (2019) 'Faith'. Philosophy Today, 63 (4):927-941.
2019 Hickey-Moody, A; Willcox, M (2019) 'Entanglements of Difference as Community Togetherness: Faith, Art and Feminism'. Social Sciences, 8 (9).
2017 Hickey-Moody, A (2017) 'Arts practice as method, urban spaces and intra-active faiths. International Journal of Inclusive Education'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21 (11):1083-1096.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A (2016) 'Being different in public'. CONTINUUM: JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES, 30 (5):531-541.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A; Marshall, D (2016) 'Working recognitions: An introduction'. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 38 (1):3-13.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A (2016) 'Youth agency and adult influence: A critical revision of little publics'. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 38 (1):58-72.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A; Palmer, H; Sayers, E (2016) 'Diffractive Pedagogies: Dancing across new materialist imaginaries'. Gender and Education, 28 (2):213-229.
2015 Hickey-Moody, A (2015) 'Beside Ourselves: Worlds Beyond People'. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36 (5):802-813.
2015 Hickey-Moody, A; Laurie, T (2015) 'Geophilosophies of Masculinity'. ANGELAKI-JOURNAL OF THE THEORETICAL HUMANITIES, 20 (1):1-10.
2015 Hickey Moody, A (2015) 'Open Space: Slow life and ecologies of sensation'. Feminist Review, 111 . [Link]
2015 Hickey-Moody, A (2015) 'Slow Life and Ecologies of Sensation'. Feminist Review, (111):140-148. [Link]
2015 McMahon, S; Harwood, V; Hickey-Moody, A (2015) 'Students that just hate school wouldn’t go’: educationally disengaged and disadvantaged young people’s talk about university education'. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 37 (8):1109-1128.
2015 Hickey-Moody, A (2015) 'Carbon Fibre Masculinity: Disability and Gendered Surfaces in Late Modernity'. ANGELAKI-JOURNAL OF THE THEORETICAL HUMANITIES, 20 (1):139-153.
2012 Gard, M; Hickey-Moody, A; Enright, E (2012) 'Youth culture, physical education and the question of relevance: after 20 years, a reply to Tinning and Fitzclarence [Sport, Education and Society'. Sport, Education and Society, 18 (1):97-114.
2011 Kenway, J; Hickey-Moody, A (2011) 'Life chances, lifestyle and everyday aspirational strategies and tactics'. Critical Studies in Education, 52 (2):151-163.
2010 Hickey-Moody, A (2010) 'Youth arts and the differential becoming of the world'. CONTINUUM: JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES, 24 (2):203-214.
2010 Hickey-Moody, A (2010) 'Corporeal and sonic diagrams for cinematic ethics in Rolf de Heer’s Dance Me to My Song'. Discourse: Studies in Cultural Politics, 31 (4):499-511.
2010 Hickey-Moody, A; Crowley, V (2010) 'Introduction: Disability Matters: Pedagogy, Media and Affect'. Discourse: Studies in Cultural Politics, 31 (4):399-409.
2010 Hickey-Moody, A; Savage, G.C.; Windle, J (2010) 'Pedagogy writ large: public, popular and cultural pedagogies in motion'. Critical Studies in Education, 51 (3):227-236.
2010 Hickey-Moody, A; Wood, D (2010) 'Virtually sustainable: Deleuze and desiring differenciation in Second Life'. CONTINUUM: JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES, 22 (6):805-816.
2010 Savage, G.C.; Hickey-Moody, A (2010) 'Global flows as gendered cultural pedagogies: learning gangsta in the ‘Durty South’'. Critical Studies in Education, 51 (3):277-293.
2009 Hickey-Moody, A (2009) 'European Perspectives on Men and Masculinities'. Gender and Education, 21 (2).
2009 Kenway, J; Hickey-Moody, A (2009) 'Spatialized Leisure-Pleasures and Masculine Distinctions'. Social and Cultural Geography, 10 (8):837-852.
2008 Hickey-Moody, A (2008) 'Performing New Spaces: The Theatre of Urban'. Critical Studies in Education, 49 (2):199-203.
2006 Hickey-Moody, A (2006) 'Folding the Flesh into Thought'. ANGELAKI-JOURNAL OF THE THEORETICAL HUMANITIES, 11 (1):189-197.
2000 Hickey-Moody, A (2000) 'Shifting the Boundaries: Feminist Practices in Adult Education'. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 40 (1):114-116.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2008 Hickey-Moody, A; Wood, D (2008) ANZCA08: Power and Place Imagining Otherwise: Disability, Deleuze and Second Life


Year Publication
2014 Hickey-Moody, A (2014) Little Public Spheres. [Abstract]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2021 Fullagar, S; Pavlidis, A; Hickey-Moody, A; Coffey, J (2021) 'Embodied Movement as Method: Attuning to Affect as Feminist Experimentation' Somatechnics, 11 (2) :174-190.
2019 Hickey-Moody, A (2019) 'Three ways of knowing failure' MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture, .
2018 Hickey-Moody, A; Harrison, M (2018) 'Socially Engaged Art and Affective Pedagogy: A Study in Inter-Faith Understanding' Tate Papers, (29) .
2018 Hickey-Moody, A (2018) 'New Materialism, Ethnography, and Socially Engaged Practice: Space-Time Folds and the Agency of Matter' Qualitative Inquiry, 26 (7) .
2018 Hickey-Moody, A (2018) 'Materialising the Social' Ruuku studies in Artistic Research, 9 . [DOI]
2012 Hickey-Moody, A (2012) 'Deleuze’s Children' Education, Philosophy and Theory, 45 (3) :272-286.
2011 Moody-Hickey, A (2011) 'Tradition, Innovation and Fusion: Local articulations of global scapes of girl dance' UNESCO Observatory, 2 (2) :1-15.
2009 Hickey-Moody, A (2009) 'Little War Machines: Posthuman Pedagogy and its Media' Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 3 (3) .
2009 Hickey-Moody, A (2009) 'Eminem’s Lyrical Personae: The Everyman, the Needy Man, the Hegemon' Culture, Society and Masculinities, 2 (1) .
2009 Hickey-Moody, A (2009) 'Un-containable Affects: Disability and the Edge of Aesthetics' Cultural Studies Review, 15 (2) :204-208.
2007 Hickey-Moody, A; Kenway, J (2007) 'Cool Cartography & Youthful Masculinity' Redress: Journal of the Association of Women Educators Special Issue on Gender and Place, 16 (1) :39-43.
2003 Hickey-Moody, A (2003) 'Turning Away from Intellectual Methods of Practice, Methods of Thought' Melbourne Studies in Education, 44 (1) :1-22.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Hickey-Moody, A (2023) 'Digital agency and the authorship of failure' In: Institute of Network Cultures. Amsterdam : Institute of Network Cultures. [Full-Text]
2021 Willcox, M; Hickey-Moody, A; Harris, D (2021) 'Isol-AID, Art and Wellbeing: Posthuman Community Amid COVID-19' In: Crisis: Social Perspectives. London : Routledge.
2020 Hickey-Moody, A; Willcox, M (2020) 'STEAM Education, Art/Science and Quiet Activism' In: Why Science and Art Creativities Matter. Netherlands : Brill.
2020 Hickey, Moody, A; Willcox, M (2020) 'Material Expressions of Religious Culture' In: Religion, Hypermobility and Digital Media in Global Asia. Faith, Flows and Fellowship. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press.
2020 Hickey-Moody, A (2020) 'Sitting with it: Liveness and embodiment' In: Affective Movements, Methods and Pedagogies. New York and London : Routledge.
2019 Roussell, D; Hickey-Moody, A (2019) 'Speculative and symbolic forms of expression: new practices in community arts education' In: Debates in Art and Design Education. London : Routledge.
2019 Hickey-Moody, A (2019) 'Deleuze's Children' In: The education assemblage. London : Routledge.
2018 Hickey-Moody, A; Harwood, V (2018) 'Technologies of Orientation: Pathways, futures' In: Youth, Technology, Governance, Experience: Adults Understanding Young People. London : Routledge.
2018 Hickey-Moody, A; Palmer, H; Sayers, E (2018) 'Diffractive Pedagogies: dancing through new materialist imaginaries' In: Feminist Posthumanisms, New Materialisms and Education. London : Routledge.
2018 Hickey-Moody, A (2018) 'Inclusive Practice(s) as Research: Ethics of Inventive Materialities Associations: Creative Practice and Research' In: Associations: Creative Practice and Research. Melbourne : Melbourne University Publishing.
2016 McMahon, S; Hickey-Moody, A; Harwood, V (2016) 'Challenging the myth that ‘the parents don’t care' In: Families, Youth People, Physical Activity and Health. London : Routledge.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A; Laurie, T (2016) 'Masculinity and Ridicule' In: Macmillan International Handbooks on Gender. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A; Kenway, J (2016) 'Spatial and Temporal Assemblages of Masculinity: Sticky Places' In: Australian Country Towns. New York : Routledge.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A; Harwood, V; McMahon, S (2016) 'Feeling Futures: The Embodied Imagination and Intensive Time' In: Imagination for Inclusion: Diverse contexts of educational practice. London : Routledge.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A (2016) 'Femifesta for Materialist Education' In: Posthuman Research Practices in Education. London : Routledge.
2015 Hickey-Moody, A; Kipling, A (2015) 'The Practice of Dorothy Heathcote as a Pedagogy of Resistance' In: Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms. London : Rowman and Littlefield.
2015 Hickey-Moody, A; Page, T (2015) 'Making Matter Matter' In: Practice, Pedagogy, Resistance: A New Materialism. London : Rowman and Littlefield.
2015 Hickey-Moody, A (2015) 'Manifesto: The Rhizomatics of Practice as Research' In: Practice, Pedagogy, Resistance: A New Materialism. Rowman and Littlefield : London.
2015 Hickey-Moody, A (2015) 'Cultural Territories of Inclusive Education' In: Towards an Inclusive Arts Education. Trentham Books : London.
2014 Hickey-Moody, A; Kenway, J (2014) 'Spatio-Temporal and Spatio-Sensual Assemblages of Masculinity' In: Masculinity and Place. Farnham : Ashgate.
2014 Hickey-Moody, A (2014) 'Theatre for Young People and The Political Imagination' In: Applied Theatre. London : Bloomsbury.
2015 Hickey-Moody, A (2015) 'Little Public Spheres: Arts as Citizenship' In: Cultural Pedagogies and Human Conduct. Abingdon : Routledge.
2016 Hickey-Moody, A (2016) 'A Femifesta for Posthuman Art Education' In: Posthuman Research Practices in Education. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2013 Hickey-Mood, A (2013) 'Affect as Method: Feelings, Aesthetics and Affective Pedagogy' In: Deleuze and Research Methodologies. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
2012 Kenway, J; Hickey-Moody, A (2012) 'Global Scapes of Abjection: The Contemporary Dynamics of Some Intersecting Injustices' In: Social Class and Education: Global Perspectives. New York : Routledge.
2011 Hickey-Moody, A (2011) 'Corporeal and sonic diagrams for cinematic ethics in Rolf De Heer’s Dance Me to My Song' In: Disability Matters: Pedagogy, Media and Affect. New York : Routledge.
2011 Hickey-Moody, A; Driscoll, C; Garland, C (2011) '(Hetero)sexing the Child: Hans, Alice and The Repressive Hypothesis' In: Deleuze and Sex. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
2011 Hickey-Moody, A; Crowley, V (2011) 'Pedagogy, Media and Affect' In: Disability Matters: Pedagogy, Media and Affect. New York : Routledge.
2010 Hickey-Moody, A (2010) 'Making creative places' In: Landscapes and Learning: Place Studies in a Global World. Rotterdam : Sense.
2009 Hickey-Moody, A; Rasmussen, M (2009) 'The Sexed Subject In-Between Deleuze and Butler' In: Deleuze and Queer Theory. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
2009 Hickey-Moody, A; Wood, D (2009) 'Ethics in Second Life: Difference, desire and the production of subjectivity' In: Emerging Ethical Issues of Life in Virtual Worlds. North Carolina : Information Age Publishing.
2009 Hickey-Moody, A; Haworth, R (2009) 'Affective Literacies' In: Multiple Literacies Theory: A Deleuzian Perspective. Rotterdam : Sense.
2008 Hickey-Moody, A (2008) 'Reconfiguring Intellectual Disability through Integrated Dance Theatre' In: The Arts and Youth ‘At Risk’: Global and Local Challenges. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2008 Kenway, J; Hickey-Moody, A (2008) 'Moving Abjection' In: Handbook of Social Justice in Education. New York : Routledge.
2008 Hickey-Moody, A (2008) 'Deleuze, Guattari and the Boundaries of Intellectual Disability' In: International Reader for Disability Studies in Education. New York : Peter Lang.
2008 Hickey-Moody, A (2008) 'Becoming-Dinosaur' In: Deleuze and Performance Studies. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
2008 Hickey-Moody, A; Rasmussen, M; Harwood, V (2008) 'The Pink Sofa and Some Fictions of Identity' In: Queer Youth Cultures: Performative and Political Practices. New York : SUNY.
2007 Hickey-Moody, A; Malins, P (2007) 'Gilles Deleuze and Four Movements in Social Thought: An Introduction' In: Deleuzian Encounters: Studies in Contemporary Social Issues. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2007 Hickey-Moody, A (2007) 'Re-Imagining Intellectual Disability: Sensation & the Outside of Thought' In: Deleuzian Encounters: Studies in Contemporary Social Issues. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2007 Hickey-Moody, A (2007) 'Thinking Bodies and Art as Force' In: Sensorium: Life, Art, Aesthetics. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2005 Hickey-Moody, A; Iocco, M (2005) 'Christ Kid, You' In: Reel Tracks: Australian Film Soundtracks and cultural identities from 1990 to 2004. London : John Libbey Publications.
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