Enda Delaney

After receiving his MA from Maynooth University, Enda moved to Belfast in the early 1990s to study for a PhD and then subsequently teach at Queen’s University. After a decade in Belfast, he left Ireland for Scotland in 2004, initially based at the University of Aberdeen, and from 2006 Edinburgh University, where he is currently Professor of Modern History.
In 2010 he was the recipient of a prestigious UK Economic and Social Research Council Mid-Career Fellowship, valued at over £250,000, awarded on the basis of a proven track record of excellence in research and ‘exceptional all round scholarly ability’.
He is currently co-PI of the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project, ‘A Global History of Irish Revolution, 1916-1923’.
Enda has written extensively on the history of modern Ireland and its diaspora, including, The Great Irish Famine, The Irish in Post-war Britain and Irish Emigration since 1921.