The Department of Early Irish at Maynooth University and the Department of Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow warmly welcome you to an art launch and public talk in the Royal Irish Academy as part of the AHRC-funded Impact and Engagement project Ogham Palaeography+. The scribal artist and parchment-maker Thomas Keyes will present to the Academy an original commissioned piece that responds to the famous tract on ogham in the 14th-century Book of Ballymote (RIA MS 23 P 12). In this truly spectacular work of art, Keyes combines medieval scribal styles and manuscript techniques with the design and formal vocabulary of modern graffiti, thereby creating a rich and multi-layered tapestry of storytelling that stretches from the Old Irish Scholars’ Primer to the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel in a technological, dystopian Dublin. The launch will be followed by a reception.
Admission is free but please RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/ogham-and-the-manuscripts-of-the-royal-irish-academy-tickets-1054709818459