2025 Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (GOIPG) and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programmes (GOIPD)

Saturday, August 10, 2024 - 14:30

The Irish Research Council has announced that the calls for the 2025 Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (GOIPG) and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programmes (GOIPD) will open on 29 August 2024.

 These programmes support suitably qualified research master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral candidates pursuing, or intending to pursue, full-time research in any discipline at eligible higher education institutions in Ireland. Scholarships can be held for between one and four years and fellowships for either one or two years.

 A number of government departments and agencies partner with the Irish Research Council to support the GOIPG Programme as a mechanism to deliver on shared national objectives. This is in addition to the main open strand. The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme’s strategic funding partners are as follows:

  Environmental Protection Agency

 Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

 Met Éireann

 Department of Foreign Affairs

Important dates for the 2025 call:


Call Open

29 August 2024

FAQ deadline

16:00 (Irish time) 03 October 2024

Applicant deadline

16:00 (Irish time) 10 October 2024

Supervisor, mentor deadline

16:00 (Irish time) 17 October 2024

Research office endorsement deadline

16:00 (Irish time) 24 October 2024

Call outcome

End of April 2025

Award start date

1 September 2025


 All applications should be submitted via the online system by the deadline of exactly 16:00 (Irish time) on 10 October 2024.

In the first instance, potential applicants are advised to reflect on the relevant indicative forms in consultation with the 2025 Government of Ireland Call Document and the Frequently Asked Questions document which can be found in both the GOIPG and the GOIPD websites. Indicative forms and Guides for the online system are also available on the relevant programme’s webpage. These documents should be rechecked once the call opens to ensure there have been no changes.

 The General Application Feedback document provided by the calls assessors is also available on the call page. This document can be found under the “FAQ” tab of both programme’s webpages. 

Research Office support:

If you have a potential applicant, please do get in touch with [email protected] so that we can provide those applicants with the relevant support once the call opens. The research office will be providing the following:

Information talk on these calls (30th August and repeated 5th September). Please get in touch if you are interested for the specific details.

Grant writing information sessions (6th September and repeated 19th September). Please get in touch if you are interested for the specific details.

Guidance document for applicants (provided once the call opens)

Information to help supervisors and mentors complete their support forms

 Please note that due to the high number of applications, we cannot provide a review of applications.