Arts and Humanities Institute Research Strengths websites are now live

Monday, March 24, 2025 - 13:45

The AHI are delighted to announce our new research strengths. The Arts and Humanities Institute is in a growth phase as Maynooth’s flagship institute for groundbreaking, interdisciplinary research across the arts and humanities. Established in 2018, the AHI now leads research on one of the University’s five research beacons: Heritage, Language and Culture. This area of excellence is expressed through collective strengths that lead European research in: mind and material in the middle ages, contested histories, critical medical humanities, creative practice & embodied knowledges,  intersectional humanities, motherhoods, genders and sexualities, critical Anthropocenes and multilingualism, interculturalism and social cohesion. These strengths now have a digital home where extended community can connect to work based at Maynooth. The AHI runs an annual competitive fellowship program that facilitates the opportunity to collaborate with one of these research strengths and to join our vibrant research community, so do reach out if the work of our community speaks to you.