Workshop: 2023-2024 Cluster 2 – Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society Horizon Europe Work programme

Friday, October 28, 2022 - 14:00

Location: John Hume Boardroom 2.15 – 4.15pm:
Presentation (30 mins)

  • Cluster 2 – How is it structured
  • Cluster 2 – Forthcoming topics (WP 23-24)
  • How to draft the impact pathway
  • Writing a proposal: some advice
  • A case study
  • Irish stats 

Workshop (1.5 h)
Participants will be divided in groups (3-6 people). The following will be done

  • Individual reading of a CL2 topic & of a project’s outline (intro, specific objectives, WP & consortium composition)
  • Discussion, based on a set of questions (printed for each group), on:
    • The project (e.g. specific objectives, coherence with the topic..)
    • The consortium (e.g. balance, suitable expertise..)
  • If time allows, the group can start filling out the impact pathway template
  • In the last 30 mins, groups will be asked to share their findings. Discussion will be facilitated. 

The Cluster 2 Work programme is due to be published in early December.
For 2023 calls:

  • Opening: 10 Jan 2023
  • Call deadline: 13 Mar 2023 

For 2024 calls

  • Call opening: 4 Oct 23
  • Call deadline: 7 Feb 24 

Time is short for the 2023 calls, so the workshop will be invaluable for anyone thinking of participating in upcoming Cluster 2 topics.

If you are interested in attending the Workshop, please respond to [email protected] from MU RDO as soon as possible.  Places are limited and will be allocated on a “first-come first-served basis”.