Dr Cordula Boecking

Cordula Böcking studied German and English literature and language at the University of Freiburg and the Free University of Berlin before undertaking doctoral studies on the early modern author Jörg Wickram at Trinity College Dublin. Following the award of a PhD in German literature, she worked as an IRCHSS Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Germanic Studies at Trinity, where she investigated medieval appropriations of the Amazon myth. Prior to joining the Department of German at Maynooth, Cordula has held lectureships at the University of St Andrews and the University of Cambridge.
Research Interests
Cordula’s research interests lie originally in the area of medieval and early modern studies and their intersection with cultural studies, with a particular concern for questions of gender and alterity and how they may be related. More recent research focuses on constructions of Orient and Occident in contemporary Turkish-German text and film, examining the link between transgressive femininity/masculinity and cultural otherness. Other key areas of interest include intercultural transmission of ideas and myth reception, and it is in this context that she is currently investigating the reception of Jeanne d’Arc and this figure’s significance for the formation of European identities through literature and film in the post-medieval world.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Cordula Böcking (2022) 'A Europe Beyond Borders? Shifting Borders in Petzold and Seghers’ 'Transit''. Interfaces, 45 . | |
2021 | Böcking, Cordula (2021) ''Schiller Goes Transnational: Julie Paucker and Robert Schuster’s Malalai – Die afghanische Jungfrau von Orléans (2017)''. German Life and Letters, 74 (4):551-570. http://doi.org/10.1111/glal.12317 [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Böcking, Cordula (2014) ''Beyond Binary Identity Politics? Ethnic, Cultural and Gendered Othering in Feo Aladag's Die Fremde ''. Studies in European Cinema, 11.3 :212-222. [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Böcking-Politis, Cordula (2010) ''mannes manheit, wîbes prîs: Challenging Heteronormativity in Rudolf von Ems' Alexander ''. GERMANISTIK IN IRELAND, 5 :13-29. | |
2009 | Politis, Cordula (2009) ''Das ‚lanndt der frawen’ im Priester Johannes des Ambraser Heldenbuches: Zur Verwendung des Amazonen-Motivs und seiner Bedeutung für das mythologische Selbstverständnis Maximilians I.''. JAHRBUCH DER OSWALD VON WOLKENSTEIN-GESELLSCHAFT, 17 :47-59. | |
2008 | Politis, Cordula (2008) ''The Taming of the Amazon: Pentesilie in Ulrich von Türheim's Rennewart ''. Medium Aevum, LXXVII :77-95. [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Politis, Cordula (2007) ''Deutsche Prinzessinnen in Skandinavien und skandinavische Prinzessinnen in Deutschland: Kulturgeschichtliche Aspekte dynastischer Verbindungen im Mittelalter''. JAHRBUCH DER OSWALD VON WOLKENSTEIN-GESELLSCHAFT, 16 :59-74. | |
2004 | Politis, Cordula (2004) ''The Narratives of Jörg Wickram: An Example of the German Reception of Petrarch's De remediis utriusque fortune ''. Fifteenth-Century Studies, 29 :160-173. [Full-Text] |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Böcking, Cordula (2021) '‘ Europe was built on blood. Christian Petzold as a European Filmmaker'' In: Routledge Companion to European Cinema. Abingdon : Routledge. [Link] | |
2017 | Böcking, Cordula (2017) '' Eine Jungfrau war auserkoren’: Geschlecht und Nation in Gustav Ucickys Das Mädchen Johanna (1935)'' In: Alte Helden – Neue Zeiten. Die Formierung europäischer Identitäten im Spiegel der Rezeption des Mittelalters. Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann. | |
2015 | Böcking, Cordula (2015) '' mit geflorierten worten? Hugo von Montforts Minnelyrik zwischen Epigonalität und Experiment'' In: Stil. Mittelalterliche Literatur zwischen Tradition und Innovation (XXII. Anglo-German Colloquium). Berlin : De Gruyter. | |
2013 | Böcking, Cordula (2013) ''»daz wær ouch noch guot wîbes sit, / daz si iht harte wider strit«. Streitbare Frauen in Wirnts Wigalois '' In: Aktuelle Tendenzen der Artusforschung. Berlin : De Gruyter. | |
2011 | Böcking-Politis, Cordula (2011) ''An Anglo-Norman Fool in Constantinople: Der Pfaffe Amis '' In: Alexander Schwarz and Lucy Perry(Eds.). Behaving like Fools: Voices, Gestures and Laughter in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Turnhout : Brepols. | |
2010 | Böcking-Politis, Cordula (2010) '' ain iunkfrow rait der kúnsten perkh. Der Minnesklaventopos bei Hugo von Montfort'' In: Klaus Amann(Eds.). Aller weishait anevang ist ze brúfen an dem aussgang. Zum 650. Geburtstag Hugos von Montfort. Ostfildern : Thorbecke. | |
2008 | Politis, Cordula (2008) '' nach der mannesnamen site? Amazons and their Challenge to Normative Masculinity in Herbort von Fritzlar’s liet von Troye '' In: Sarah Colvin and Peter Davies(Eds.). Masculinities and German Culture. Edinburgh German Yearbook 2. New York : Camden House. | |
2007 | Politis, Cordula (2007) ''Wisdom vs. Riches: The Discourse on Money in Fortunatus '' In: Fiona Cox and Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa(Eds.). Money and Culture. New York : Peter Lang. | |
2007 | Politis, Cordula (2007) ''The Encounter between Christendom and Islam in Wolfram’s Willehalm '' In: Aileen Pearson-Evans and Angela Leahy(Eds.). Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity. New York : Peter Lang. |
Edited Book
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2011 | Böcking-Politis, Cordula (2011) 'Hughes, Timothy Jolyon. Wolfram von Eschenbachs Criticism of Minnedienst in his Narrative Works. Lanham: University Press of America, 2009'. [Book Review] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Böcking-Politis, Cordula (2010) ' cristallîn wort. Hartmann-Studien, ed. Waltraud Fritsch-Rössler, Wien, Berlin, Münster: LIT. Bd. 1 (2007), Rahmenthema: Das Ambraser Heldenbuch'. [Book Review] | |
2009 | Politis, Cordula (2009) 'Urban, Melanie: Kulturkontakt im Zeichen der Minne. Die Arabel Ulrichs von dem Türlin, Mikrokosmos 77, 2007'. [Book Review] |
Conference Contribution
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