Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird
Prof. David Malone
Dr. Fiacre Ó Cairbre
Prof. Ann O'Shea

Research Topics
The group is interested in many aspects of Mathematics Education at second level, third level and among the general public. At second level, work is being carried out on the impact of assessment on teaching and learning, and on the provision of resources to teachers. At third level, topics such as the effectiveness of support initiatives, the motivation and goal orientation of students, the use of technology in the classroom, and the processes involved in advanced mathematical thinking are being explored. The role of the History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education is also being investigated. In addition, the group is involved in a wide variety of outreach activities and was instrumental in the establishment of the Irish Mathematics Support Network.

Researchers in this group work closely with colleagues in Ireland and the UK. The work of the group has recently been funded by NAIRTL, the Department of Education, The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, and the EU-FP7 fund.

Postgraduate Researchers - Current

Researcher Supervisor(s) Research Topic
Peter Mulligan Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird Investigating Factors that Influence Student Engagement at University

Postgraduate Researchers - Graduated

Researcher Supervisor(s) Research Topic
Dr. Nathan McJames Prof. Ann O'Shea & Prof. Andrew Parnell Causal Inference Machine Learning Algorithms Applied to International Large-Scale Educational Assessments (PhD)
Dr. Joseph Bennett Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird Henry Smith & the arithmetical theory of quadratic forms (PhD)
Dr. Judi Mills Prof. Ann O'Shea A study of the experience of gifted mathematics students at second level (PhD)
Dr. Caitríona Ní Shé Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird & Dr Eabhnat Ní Fhloinn (DCU) Assessment for Learning Resources for First Year Undergraduate Mathematics Modules (PhD)
Dr. Brendan O'Sullivan Prof. Ann O'Shea & Dr. Sinead Breen (SPD) 'An analysis of mathematical tasks used at second-level in Ireland'. (PhD) 2017
Martin Grehan Prof. Ann O' Shea & Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird A Study of First Year Students’ Mathematics Learning Experiences at Maynooth University. (MSc) 2013
Dr. Safia Hamza Prof. Ann O'Shea An investigation of advanced mathematical thinking processes. (PhD) 2013
Dr. Tugba Aysel Prof. Ann O'Shea & Dr. Sinead Breen (SPD) An Exploration of the Effect of High-Stakes Examinations on the Teaching & Learning of Mathematics in Post-primary Education in Turkey and Ireland . (PhD) 2012

Postdoctoral Researchers

Researcher Supervisor(s) Research Topic
Dr. Diarmaid Hyland Prof. Ann O'Shea Adopting active learning approaches in university mathematics. (Sep 2019 - Jan 2022)

Events Organised