Dr Richard Huddleson


Tá Riocárd Ó hOddail ina Ollamh Cúnta i Roinn na Spáinnise agus an Léinn Mheiriceá Laidinigh in Ollscoil Mhá Nuad. Bhain sé dochtúireacht sa Chatalóinis amach ó Queen Mary (Ollscoil Londain) sa bhliain 2021. Bhí sé ina Chomhalta Iardhochtúireachta Ahmanson-Getty ag UCLA (California), agus rinne sé taighde ar dhrámaíocht as Mallarca agus ón Ghailís sa Nua-Aois Luath. Bhí sé ag obair mar taighdeoir iardhochtúireachta sa Chatalóinis i Scoil na Gaeilge, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus an Bhéaloidis UCD idir 2022 agus 2023. 

Research Interests

Tá spéis ar leith agam i Léann na Catalóine (Stair, Litríocht agus Cultúr); Teoiric agus Cleachtas an Aistriúcháin; Inscne agus Gnéasacht; agus Drámaíocht Theangacha Mionlaithe. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
From Linguistic Revitalisation to Spiritual Revelation: Unravelling the many worlds of Ivon l'Escop Principal Investigator 02/09/2024 29/11/2024
Fourteenth Century Catalan Cookbooks in Dialogue Principal Investigator 08/01/2024 20/12/2024
Homosexualitats emergents en les novel·les de les anomenades ‘perifèries’ del sud de la llengua catalana entre 1975 i 1979: Una anàlisi d'espais, cossos i classes socials Principal Investigator 14/04/2023 28/06/2024
Infidelitat, transvestisme, i escàndol nupcial a Mallorca / Infidelity, cross-dressing, and marital scandal in Mallorca Principal Investigator 16/04/2021 31/12/2021


Year Publication
2023 Richard Huddleson (2023) The Fisherman's Short Play (Translation). London: Inti Press. [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Huddleson, R. (2024) 'Born to blossom, bloom, then perish? The rise and fall of the Pomells de Joventut de Catalunya (1920–1923)'. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2023 Richard Huddleson (2023) 'Making Mallorcan Mischief: Translating, Rehearsing, and Performing the Entremès del Pasquedó at the 2022 Out of the Wings Festival'. Language Matters, 5 (2). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2023 Richard Huddleson (2023) 'Brave New Worlds? COVID-19 and Irish-Language Theatre Produced under Lockdown in Northern Ireland'. Theatre Research International, . [Link]
2022 Richard Huddleson (2022) 'Translating transgender lives: bringing La pell escrita to Belfast'. Perspectives - Københavns Universitet, . [DOI]


Year Publication
2023 Barbara Fuchs; Marta Albalá Pelegrín; Sarah Grunnah; Saraí Jaramillo; Richard Huddleson; Rachel Kaufman; Robin Kello; Laura Muñoz; Javier Patiño Loira; Amanda Riggle; Rafael Jaime; Paul Fitzgibbon Cella; Rhonda Sharrah; Cheché Silveyra; Aina Soley; Samantha Solis; Elizabeth Warren (2023) Love is the Greater Labyrinth, a comedy by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. [Translation] [Link]
2022 Richard Huddleson (2022) Caught up between Nets, Hooks, and Rhymes: Translator’s commentary for the Entremès del Pasquedó. [Translation] [Link]
2023 Richard Huddleson (2023) Two poems by Lluïsa Denís i Reverter in translation (La Pàtria and El Desmai). [Translation]
2023 Hilary J. Gardner and Richard Huddleson (2023) 'La Segadora' by Marcel·lina Moragues Ginart. [Translation]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2020 Agustí Espallargas Majó and Margarida Sanjaume Navarro (Ed.). (2020) Diccionari de l’activitat parlamentària. Barcelona, Catalonia: Generalitat de Catalunya,

Book Review

Year Publication
2019 Richard Huddleson (2019) La traducció literària: estudis sobre la traducció i la literatura valenciana: homenatge a Joan Francesc Mira i Casterà - Edited by Lluís Meseguer. [Book Review] https://doi.org/10.1080/14682737.2019.1686302
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