
Maynooth University Department of Adult and Community Education


Award Type and NFQ level : CERTIFICATE LEVEL 7

CAO/PAC code :

CAO Points :

The Certificate in Directing for Theatre is a practical course taught by Irish professional directors. It focuses on methods, tips and techniques, application of theory and practice. This course is aimed at the following potential students.

Mature students who wish to train for the theatre industry in Ireland and who would like to be prepared for further study in the field of directing.

Those who wish to explore the field to discover if they wish to make a career in it. In this sense the Certificate serves as a skillsbased training course for new directors.

Those in the amateur youth theatre and community theatre sectors, who wish to formalise their experience into specific training, acquire accreditation and gain additional skills by doing so.

Those who are emerging directors in the professional theatre and who wish to gain specific skills and to acquire accreditation.



Course Duration:

100 Hours part-time over one year, on two Saturdays per month. Oct.- May.

Course Content:

Working with actors; Introduction to Stanislavski; Introduction to Viewpoints; Actioning and working with text; Devising new material for performance; Introduction to Physical Composition and Movement Theory; Site specific and site-responsive theatre; Scene study; Physical Comedy; Auditioning and Rehearsal;

Continuous assessment

Students will keep a Learning Journal in which they will record and critically reflect on their learning, brought about by this course. They will then write an essay based on this journal and submit it. Major Directing Project – each student will be expected to direct a piece of theatre that is more than 30 minutes long and less than 70 minutes long. This should be filmed and the DVD submitted. Students should also keep a Directors’ Log as part of this assignment.  In order to pass the course students must have an 80% attendance record.

Course Duration: 100 hours part-time over one year.

International & EU/EFTA Entry Requirements

Mature Students

Participants must be 21 years or over and have the capacity to complete a course at NUI certificate level. They must also have the capacity to direct a public performance during the course of the year and so access to performers would be an asset.

Additional Information

Applicants must be 21 years or older on 1 Jan. on year of commencement of the course.  Applicants should write a short piece (approximately 250 words) detailing their experience to date - if any - in the field of theatre, and in education. You may also take this opportunity to state why you would like to undertake this course. You should also confirm that you will be able to direct a play using an actor or actors sourced by during the year.

The course is coordinated by Peter Hussey (Artistic Director of Crooked House). Additional Tutors are drawn from the professional theatre sector in Ireland and abroad. In the past they have included Sebastian Harcombe (former Head of Acting at RADA, Drama Centre and Drama Studio London), Bairbre Ni Chaoimh (freelance director and actor), Annie Ryan (Artistic Director of the Corn Exchange), Jo Mangan (Artistic Director of Performance Corporation), and Louise Lowe (Artistic Director of Anu Production).

Please apply through our On Line System Here

For further information contact Kay at 01 708 6062 or e-mail [email protected]

An Easy Payment Plan is available upon registration.

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