Ailín Ní Chonchúir

Lárionad na Gaeilge, School of Celtic Studies
Is í Ailín comhordaitheoir an ‘Teastas i Múineadh na Gaeilge d’Fhoghlaimeoirí Fásta ar líne’. Tá sí ag obair leis an Lárionad ag plé le hoiliúint do mhúinteoirí agus le forbairt ábhar teagaisc ó 2007. Tá spéis ar leith aici in oiliúint do mhúinteoirí – múinteoirí faoi oiliúint agus múinteoirí cáilithe araon. Tá obair déanta aici le lucht teagaisc ag mórán leibhéal – iad siúd atá ag múineadh i suíomh luathoideachais, ag leibhéal bunscoile, ag leibhéal meánscoile, ar an tríú leibhéal agus san earnáil aosoideachais, chomh maith leo siúd a mhúineann Gaeilge thar lear. Tá taithí ag Ailín ar fhorbairt siollabas agus ábhar teagaisc agus thug sí roinnt blianta ag obair mar chomhordaitheoir ar thionscadal chun siollabas nua agus ábhar teagaisc samplach a fhorbairt do mhúineadh na Gaeilge ar an tríú leibhéal – tionscadal idir-institiúideach ar ghlac 17 institiúid thuaidh agus theas páirt ann. Tá sí i mbun taighde PhD faoi láthair – taighde atá á mhaoiniú ag COGG (An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta) agus a bhaineann leis an oideolaíocht thrasteangeolaíoch.
Ailín is currently coordinating the Centre’s online course in Teaching Irish to Adult Learners. She has been working with the Centre in the areas of teacher training and materials development since 2007. She has a special interest in teacher education – both pre-service teacher training and continuous professional development. She has worked with teachers who teach Irish across all education sectors in Ireland, as well as teaching Irish internationally – the early childhood sector, primary level, secondary level, third level, and the adult and community education sector. Ailín also has experience in syllabus and materials development and was the coordinator and developer of a new syllabus and sample teaching materials for the teaching of Irish at third level – an inter-institutional project involving 17 third level institutions, north and south.
She’s currently undertaking PhD research in cross-linguistic pedagogy, funded by a research bursary from COGG (An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta).