Dr Loïc Bourdeau

French Studies, School of Modern Languages, Motherhood Project

Assistant Professor - Subject Leader

Rye Hall Building, Block D, North Campus
(01) 7083700


Loïc Bourdeau is Lecturer in French Studies and Medical Humanities at National University of Ireland, Maynooth and formerly College of Liberal Arts Board of Regents Endowed Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2015-22). His work has centred on cultural production in France and Quebec, women’s and gender studies, queer studies, literary criticism, film and care studies. He has published four edited or co-edited volumes—Horrible Mothers. Representations across Francophone North America (2019), ReFocus: The Films of François Ozon (2021), Revisiting HIV/AIDS in French Culture: Raw Matters (2022), and Diversity and Decolonization in French Studies: New Approaches to Teaching—in addition to articles, chapters, and several edited special-themed journal issues. Between 2020 and 2023, he founded and ran the series New Directions in Francophone Studies: Diversity, Decolonization, Queerness (EUP). He hold a PG diploma in Narrative Medicine and facilitates workshops with health professionals in Europe and the USA. 

Keywords: literature, screen studies, care, motherhood, queer/gender studies, medical humanities

Research Interests

Motherhood in contemporary France and Quebec; care studies; medical humanities; women's health; HIV/AIDS in France; Contemporary youth and popular culture; Screen studies; Feminist and queer studies.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
#ENDOs PI (Maynooth), Partner (EU) Erasmus+ - KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education - This project focuses on training adults with chronic diseases and health community. By working on endometriosis, the project potentially reaches 14 million people in Europe, who call themselves "ENDOs". Our ambition is to enable ENDOs to be more active in their care journey. We will use art and culture as skills developer. User-centric, our learning tools will contribute to building an active community of ENDOs and caregivers. This project offers inspiring innovations for other health fields. Collaboration between Ireland, France, Italy, Sweden, and Finland. My own work is on WP3 Tell the Story (Narrative Medicine); I'll lead narrative medicine workshops in Ireland. 01/10/2023 31/03/2026

Edited Book

Year Publication
2022 S. Bouamer, L. Bourdeau (Ed.). (2022) Diversity and Decolonization in French Studies. Switzerland: Palgrave, [Link]
2022 L. Bourdeau, V. H. Capps (Ed.). (2022) Revisiting HIV/AIDS in French Culture. Lanham: Lexington Books, [Link]
2021 L. Bourdeau (Ed.). (2021) ReFocus: The Films of François Ozon. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, [Link]
2019 L. Bourdeau (Ed.). (2019) Horrible Mothers. Representations across Francophone North America. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Loïc Bourdeau & Peadar Kearney (2024) 'Exploring and Transcending Québécité in Xavier Dolan’s Matthias & Maxime and Monia Chokri’s La femme de mon frère' In: Quebec Cinema in the 21st Century. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press. [Link]
2024 Loic Bourdeau (2024) 'Forgotten Class: French Literature, Medicine, and Poverty' In: Literature and Medicine. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. [Link] [DOI]
2023 L. Bourdeau, C. Cormier (2023) 'Ô malheureuse: nouvelles revendications poétiques en Louisiane' In: L'Altérité: Figurations littéraires et médiatiques. Moncton, Canada : Perce-Neige.
2022 L. Bourdeau, V. H. Capps (2022) 'SARS-CoV-2 and Discursive Inoculation: Lessons from HIV/AIDS' In: The Languages of COVID-19. Milton Park : Routledge. [Link]
2022 L. Bourdeau (2022) 'Unapologetically Visible? Representing and Reassessing Contemporary French Womanhood in Dix Pour Cent' In: Taking Up Space: Women at Work in Contemporary France. Cardiff : UWP. [Link]
2021 L. Bourdeau (2021) 'Sex Wars in Potiche: Womanhood Then and Now' In: ReFocus: The Films of François Ozon. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press. [Link]
2020 L. Bourdeau (2020) 'Queues théories: Le “suçage” comme mode de vie' In: QuébéQueer. Montreal : PUM. [Link]
2019 L. Bourdeau (2019) 'Politics and Motherhood in Xavier Dolan’s J’ai tué ma mère and Mommy' In: Horrible Mothers. Representations across Francophone North America. Lincoln : UNP. [Link]
2017 L. Bourdeau (2017) 'Géographies de la transgression dans le triptyque autobiographique de Michel Tremblay' In: Transmissions et transgressions dans les littératures de l’Amérique francophone. Moncton : Perce-Neige. [Link]

Edited Journal Issue

Year Publication
2022 L. Bourdeau, A. Gefen (2022) Nouvelles Études Francophones: Sous-contrôle. Fictions et contre-fictions du contrôle social. Lincoln: [Edited Journal Issue] [Link]
2019 L. Bourdeau (2019) Études Francophones: Révoltes et révolutions. Lafayette: [Edited Journal Issue] [Link]
2019 L. Bourdeau (2019) Études Francophones: Déclin, deuil et nostalgie. Lafayette: [Edited Journal Issue] [Link]
2018 L. Bourdeau (2018) Études Francophones: Dossier Plurithématique. Lafayette: [Edited Journal Issue] [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2020 L. Bourdeau, N. Edwards, S. Wilson (2020) 'Introduction: Caring Relation'. Australian Journal of French Studies, 57 (3):287-292. [Link] https://doi.org/10.3828/AJFS.2020.25
2019 L. Bourdeau (2019) 'Queering up the mother with Michel Tremblay and Xavier Dolan'. Contemporary French Civilization, 43 (3-4):353-372. https://doi.org/10.3828/cfc.2018.19

Other Journal

Year Publication
2022 L. Bourdeau (2022) 'Robin Campillo’s 120 BPM, or When the Dust Unsettles' Intertexts, 26 (1-2) :111-127. https://doi.org/10.1353/itx.2022.0006
2021 L. Bourdeau (2021) 'Amours violents et passions dévorantes chez Simon Boulerice' Ondine/Ondina, :58-74. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_ondina/ond.202054020
2020 L. Bourdeau (2020) 'De ‘pas comme les autres’ à ‘tous dominés’ dans En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule d’Édouard Louis' Nouvelles Études Francophones, :71-85. [DOI]
2019 L. Bourdeau (2019) 'L’écriture comme impératif et autofiction mythologique dans Prague de Maude Veilleux et La Minotaure de Mariève Maréchale' Studii şi cercetari filologice. Seria limbi romanice, :36-56. [Link]
2015 L. Bourdeau (2015) 'Trouble dans la sexualité: Entre-deux féminin et processus d’asexuation dans Les Chambres de bois' Cahiers Anne Hébert, :58-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.17118/11143/8345
2012 L. Bourdeau (2012) 'Italien, indien, homosexuel: l’expérience de la marge dans la multiculturalité québécoise et ses répercussions identitaires' Studii şi cercetari filologice. Seria limbi romanice, :144-160. [Link]
2012 L. Bourdeau (2012) 'F.O.L.L.E société: déconstruction et reconstruction identitaire dans C.R.A.Z.Y' Nouvelles Études Francophones, 27 (1) :130-144. [Link]

Book Review

Year Publication
2021 L. Bourdeau (2021) Review of Les folles littéraires, des folies lucides. Les états borderline du genre et ses créations, de Mireille Calle-Gruber et al. (dir.). [Book Review] [Link]
2018 L. Bourdeau (2018) Review of Disturbing Attachments. Genet Modern Pederasty, and Queer History by Kadji Amin. [Book Review] [Link]
2017 L. Bourdeau (2017) Review of C.R.A.Z.Y.: A Queer Film Classic by Robert Schwartzwald. [Book Review] [Link]

Short Survey

Year Publication
2015 L. Bourdeau (2015) The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies: French Literature: 1945-1999. [Short Survey] https://doi.org/10.5699/yearworkmodlang.75.2013.0107
2014 L. Bourdeau (2014) The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies: French Literature: 1945-1999. [Short Survey] https://doi.org/10.5699/yearworkmodlang.74.2012.0126

Co-edited Journal Issue

Year Publication
2020 L. Bourdeau, N. Edwards, S. Wilson (2020) The Care (Re)Turn in French and Francophone Studies. [Co-edited Journal Issue] [Link]

Creative Practice

Year Publication
2023 Loic Bourdeau et al. (2023) Capillaires. Montreal, QC: [Creative Practice]
2020 Loic Bourdeau (2020) A Rebours. [Creative Practice] [Link]
2019 Loic Bourdeau (2019) L'attente. [Creative Practice]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Loic Bourdeau (2023) French Institute Obstetric and Gynecological Violence in French Culture and Social Media Vilnius, Lithuania, .
2023 Loic Bourdeau (2023) Maternal Narratives on Screen Challenging Motherhood in Xavier Dolan’s Cinema Manchester, UK, .
2022 Loic Bourdeau (2022) Sciences-Po Poitiers Comprendre les masculinités Poitiers, France, .
2022 Loic Bourdeau (2022) UCC French Seminar Series The Power of Netflix in France Cork, Ireland, .
2021 Loic Bourdeau (2021) TTU Tournée Film Festival Discussing François Ozon’s Grâce à Dieu Texas Tech University, USA, .
2021 Loic Bourdeau (2021) University of St Gallen ‘The Kingdom of the Sick is Not a Democracy’: Revisiting the AIDS Crisis with 120 BPM St Gallen, Switzerland, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
WIF UK-IRELAND Member 01/08/2022 -
Association internationale des études québécoises Elected Board Member (USA rep.) 01/06/2020 - 30/06/2022

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/07/2022 Australian National University Visiting Fellowship RSHA (Research School of Humanities and the Arts) & HRC (Humanities Research Center)
01/05/2019 Founder's Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Humanities Friends of the Humanities (UL Lafayette)
01/06/2019 Maynooth University Visiting Fellowship MU Arts and Humanities Institute


Employer Position From / To
University of Louisiana, Lafayette Associate Professor of Francophone Studies 01/08/2021 - 07/07/2022
University of Louisiana, Lafayette Assistant Professor of Francophone Studies 01/08/2015 - 31/07/2021
Université de Limoges Visiting Professor (Professeur Invité) 01/10/2016 - 31/10/2016
William and Mary Visiting Assistant Professor of Francophone Studies 01/08/2014 - 31/07/2015


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University of California, Davis PhD French with a designated emphasis in Feminist Theory and Research
University of California, Davis Master of Arts French
Durham University Master of Arts (Research) French
Université de Limoges Master 1 (honors) Languages, Literatures, and Cultures in English
Université de Limoges Bacheler of Arts (honors) Languages, Literatures, and Cultures in English


Language Reading Writing Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Fluent Fluent

Other Activities

Founder and Series Editor, New Directions in Francophone Studies: Diversity, Decolonization, Queerness (EUP): Dedicated to diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice in Francophone studies, this series publishes cutting-edge scholarship in the field. This series publishes monographs and edited collections in Francophone studies (all French-speaking regions) from the 19th century to today. It is grounded in and guided by decolonial, anti-racist, queer, feminist, intersectional, trans-affirming and inclusive principles and is open to publishing works in literary studies, visual arts, cultural studies, history and pedagogy. The series also brings together scholars at all career stages while providing specific mentoring and support to Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and researchers from underrepresented backgrounds. For more information, check out: https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/series-new-directions-in-francophone-studies-diversity-decolonization-queerness

Teaching Interests

Motherhood in contemporary France and Quebec; care studies; medical humanities; HIV/AIDS in France; Contemporary youth and popular culture; Screen studies; Feminist and queer studies.