Dr Julie Rodgers

French Studies, Motherhood Project, School of Modern Languages

Associate professor - Deputy Head of School

Arts Building
(01) 708 3719


I graduated with a BA Hons in French and English from Trinity College Dublin in 2000. I obtained a First Class with Distinction in Spoken French and was awarded the Prix de l'Ambassade for first place in the French finals (TCD). Following a year as lectrice d'anglais at the University of Lille 1, I returned to Trinity to begin a Ph.D on Quebec Women's Writing under the supervision of Professor Emeritus David Parris (and funded by TCD). Since completing my Ph.D, I have lectured in French language and literature at Maynooth as well as one semester at Liverpool University. My research areas include the following: Contemporary Women's Writing in French; Contemporary Women's Cinema in French; Quebec Literature; Migrant Writing; and, Maternal Narratives. I am the former secretary of ADEFFI (Irish Association for French Studies) and former president of ACSI (Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland). I currently serve on the board of the Franco-Irish Literary Festival. I also hold a PGDHE from Maynooth University and am interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning at third level. I am a native of the inimitable city of Derry and like to return there regularly. I also have strong attachments to the small town of Lorient in Brittany (France) where I spent several years as a jeune fille au-pair and a teaching assistant. In 2019, I was awarded a Flaherty Scholarship from ICUF (Ireland Canada University Fund) for my work on Quebec literature. In 2021, I was awarded a D'Arcy McGee Beacon Fellowship which I held at Concordia University. 

Research Interests

Motherhood, Maternal Maternal Health, Contemporary French and Francophone Women's Writing, Feminism, Contemporary French and Francophone Film, Quebec Literature and Culture. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
Peadar Kearney IRC GOIPG Blurred Boundaries: Post-Identity in Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema PI Peadar Kearney IRC GOIPG Scholarship 2020 01/10/2020 30/09/2021 26624.94
Motherhood Project Investigator

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 Julie Rodgers (2021) 'Choosing to be Childfree in Lucie Joubert's L'Envers du landau' In: Imagining Motherhood in the Twenty-First Century. London : Routledge. [Link]
2021 Rodgers, J.A. (2021) 'Understanding the trauma of pervasive pregnancy denial in L'enfant que je n'attendais pas' In: Trauma and Motherhood in Contemporary Literature and Culture. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Julie Rodgers (2021) 'Understanding and Recognising Voluntary Non-Motherhood' In: Maternal Theory: Essential Readings. York : Demeter.
2021 Julie Rodgers (2021) 'Unwed and Unwanted: Sofia and the Taboo of Single Motherhood in Morocco' In: Single Parents: Representations and Resistance in an International Context. London : Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71311-9
2018 Julie Rodgers (2018) 'Double Voices and Splintered Selves: The Dual Dialectic of Anorexia in Ying Chen' In: Starvation, Food, Obsession and Identity: Eating Disorders in Contemporary Women's Writing. Oxford, Bern : Peter Lang. https://doi.org/10.3726/b10998
2017 Julie Rodgers (2017) 'Mapping the Migrant Landscape in Gabrielle Roy' In: Landscapes and Landmarks of Canada: Real, Imagined, (Re)viewed. Waterloo : Wilfred Laurier Press.
2016 Julie Rodgers (2016) 'If you don't have children, you must be...: Linda Lê's A l'enfant que je n'aurai pas and Voluntary Non-Motherhood' In: Women's Lives in Contemporary French and Francophone Literature. London : Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI]
2016 Julie Rodgers (2016) 'Ying Chen's Fictional Universe' In: Ten Canadian Writers in Context. Edmonton : University of Alberta Press.
2014 Julie Rodgers (2014) 'Lisa Baraitser and a New Ethics of Mothering' In: Motherhing and Psychoanalysis: Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives. Toronto : Demeter Press.
2013 Julie Rodgers (2013) 'Towards a Positive Representation of Ageing: Old-Age in the Writings of Gabrielle Roy' In: As Time Goes By: Portraits of Age. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press.
2013 Rodgers, J (2013) 'Rewriting the Mother-Daughter Plot: Fete des meres by Florence Emptaz' In: EXPERIMENT AND EXPERIENCE: WOMEN'S WRITING IN FRANCE 2000-2010. FRANKFURT : PETER LANG GMBH.
2008 Julie Rodgers (2008) 'Immigration from a Québécois Perspective: Nous avons tous découvert l'Amérique (Francine Noël)' In: Canada: Text and Territory. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press.
2008 Julie Rodgers (2008) 'Francine Noël: Entretien' In: Canada: Text and Territory. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Press.
2025 Rodgers, J. (2025) 'The Incomplete Mother as Non-mother: A Study of Secondary Infertility in Helen Davies’ More Love to Give' In: Palgrave Macmillan Studies In Family And Intimate Life. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Björklund, J.; Rodgers, J. (2025) 'Conceptualising Non-Motherhood' In: Palgrave Macmillan Studies In Family And Intimate Life. [Link] [DOI]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2021 Helen Cummings, Julie Rodgers, Judith Wouk (Ed.). (2021) The Truth about (M)Otherhood: Choosing to be Childfree. Toronto: Demeter Press,
2025 Julie Rodgers;Jenny Björklund;Dovilė Kuminskaitė (Ed.). (2025) Negotiating Non-Motherhood: Experiences, Perceptions and Representations. London: Palgrave, [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Rodgers; Gorman (2023) 'On ne peut rien contre une fille qui rêve: Teenage Pregnancy as Maternal Entrapment or Maternal Empowerment in 17 Filles'. MODERN LANGUAGES OPEN JOURNAL, 23 (1). [DOI]
2022 Julie Rodgers (2022) ''Mais qui va garder les enfants?' Postfeminist Retraditionalism in La Vie d'une autre''. Modern and Contemporary France, 30 (1):19-31. [DOI]
2021 Rodgers, J (2021) 'Narrating the Final Loss: Scenes from the Maternal Deathbed in Gabrielle Roy's Le temps qui m'a manque and Francine Noel's La femme de ma vie'. Esprit Createur, 61 :40-53. [Full-Text]
2020 Rodgers, J (2020) 'Deviant Care: Chanson douce and the Killer Nanny'. Australian Journal of French Studies, 57 :381-395. [DOI]
2019 Rodgers J. (2019) 'The emergent posthuman landscape in Ying Chen’s La rive est loin'. Quebec Studies, 68 :101-120. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Julie Rodgers (2019) 'Telling the Untellable: Negotiating Maternal Bereavement in Sophie Daull's Camille, mon envolée'. Irish Journal of French Studies, 19 :165-185. https://doi.org/10.7173/164913319827945729 [Full-Text]
2019 Julie Rodgers, Elise Hugueny-Léger (2019) 'Untimely Mourning: Representing Child Death and Parental Mourning in Contemporary French and Francophone Literature and Culture'. Irish Journal of French Studies, 19 :1-10. https://doi.org/10.7173/164913319827945783 [Full-Text]
2019 Rodgers, J. (2019) 'Tearing up the rulebook: Feminist mothering in Kay Mellor's in the Club'. Journal Of Popular Television, 7 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Rodgers, J (2018) 'On the Margins of Motherhood: Choosing to Be Child-Free in Lucie Joubert's L'Envers du landau (2010)'. Women: A Cultural Review, 29 :75-96. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Julie Rodgers (2016) 'French Canadian Literature'. The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 76 :82-89.
2015 Julie Rodgers (2015) 'Ying Chen and Nomadic Figurations of the Subject'. Quebec Studies, 59 :51-70.
2013 Julie Rodgers (2013) 'French Canadian Literature'. The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 73 :77-81. [Full-Text]
2012 Julie Rodgers (2012) 'French Canadian Literature'. The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 72 :170-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.5699/yearworkmodlang.72.2010.0170
2012 Julie Rodgers (2012) 'Comment peut-on être Moi quand on est Mère: Une étude de la maternité dans Un enfant à ma porte de Ying Chen'. International Journal of Canadian Studies, 45-46 :403-417. [Full-Text]
2012 Julie Rodgers (2012) 'Contesting the Mommy Myth: Un heureux evenement (Eliette Abecassis) as Maternal Counternarrative'. Irish Journal of French Studies, 12 :43-64. [Full-Text]
2012 Julie Rodgers (2012) 'Body Politics in Truismes: The Tyranny of Slenderness'. Dalhousie French Studies, 98 :29-39. [Full-Text]
2011 Julie Rodgers (2011) 'Illness and its Metaphors: Conceptualizing Cancer in Une mort tres douce'. Irish Journal of French Studies, 11 :47-62. [Full-Text]
2011 Julie Rodgers (2011) 'La dualité de l'être chez Ying Chen'. Dialogues Francophones, 17 :81-91.
2010 Julie Rodgers (2010) 'French Canadian Literature'. The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 71 :215-221.
2009 Julie Rodgers (2009) 'La relation mère-fille dans La femme de ma vie de Francine Noël'. Francofonia, 57 :89-99. [Full-Text]
2008 Julie Rodgers (2008) 'French Canadian Literature'. The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 70 :230-235.
2007 Julie Rodgers (2007) 'Redefining Quebec Identity in Francine Noël's Nous avons tous découvert l'Amérique'. The London Journal of Canadian Studies, 22 :115-127.

Published Report

Year Publication
2011 Julie Rodgers (2011) Using Moodle to Facilitate Discussion in Large Groups. CTL, .

Book Review

Year Publication
2022 Julie Rodgers (2022) Transgression(s) in twenty-first century women's writing in French edited by Kate Averis, Egle Kackute and Catherine Mao. [Book Review] https://doi.org/10.7173/164913322836020839
2020 Rodgers, J (2020) I Suffer, Therefore I Am: Engaging with Empathy in Contemporary French Women's Writing. LONDON: [Book Review]
2018 Rodgers, J (2018) Voicing Voluntary Childlessness: Narratives of Non-Mothering in French. LIVERPOOL: [Book Review]
2014 Rodgers, J (2014) Mindscapes of Montreal: Quebec's Urban Novel, 1960-2005. LIVERPOOL: [Book Review]
2011 Rodgers, J (2011) Between Languages and Cultures: Colonial and Postcolonial Readings of Gabrielle Roy. LIVERPOOL: [Book Review]
2009 Rodgers, J (2009) Comparing Migration. LIVERPOOL: [Book Review]

Encyclopedia Entry

Year Publication
2011 Julie Rodgers (2011) Girls and Puberty. [Encyclopedia Entry]
2010 Julie Rodgers (2010) Maternal Abject (Kristeva). [Encyclopedia Entry] http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781412979276.n364
2010 Julie Rodgers (2010) New French Feminisms. [Encyclopedia Entry]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Women in French Member 01/01/2012 -
Association of Contemporary and Modern France Member 01/08/2020 -
ADEFFI Executive Member 01/01/2012 - 01/01/2018
ACSI Executive Member 01/01/2014 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2012 Faculty Enrichment Award Government of Canada
01/01/2022 Prix de la délégation du Québec à Londres British Association of Canadian Studies
01/02/2021 Beacon Fellowship ICUF
01/01/2011 Teaching and Learning Small Project Award NDLR
01/01/2013 Prix du Québec Quebec Delegation in London
01/01/2019 Flaherty Scholarship ICUF


Committee Function From / To
Franco-Irish Literary Festival Executive Member 01/01/2013 -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Open University Embedding Mental Health in the Currculum Education


Language Reading Writing Speaking
Italian Functional Basic Basic
French Fluent Fluent Fluent

Other Activities

External Examiner in French for TU Blanchardstown.

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
RTE Civic Society Invited to speak on the topic of motherhood with Dr Valerie Heffernan. [Link]
The Irish Independent Civic Society Consultation service for articles on Motherhood.

Teaching Interests

Contemporary Women's Writing; Narratives of Mothering; Quebec Literature, Culture and Cinema; Contemporary French Cinema; Feminism.

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2018 Egle Kackute Postdoctoral Research Fellow