Archives Workshop. Dr Jacinta Prunty chf: Upgrading existing catalogues to ISAD(G): case studies from religious archives in Ireland

Friday, November 20, 2015 - 09:30 to 15:00
Rocque Lab, Ground Floor, Rhetoric House, South Campus

All are welcome but please book your place in advance with [email protected]. The €20 registration fee (paid on the day) covers coffee and printouts, but not lunch. For persons traveling long distance, overnight accommodation can be booked, contact Maynooth Campus Accommodation, Reception (01) 708 6400

9.30am registration & welcome
10am, Session 1: Getting to grips with ISAD(G), the international standard for arrangement and description
11am coffee
11.30am – 12.30, Session 2: Why religious archives need to be concerned with ISAD(G)
12.30-1.30pm, Lunch (own arrangements, Pugin Hall and other nearby possibilities)
1.30pm  to 3pm, Session 3: Practical steps for bringing existing catalogues into compliance with ISAD(G)