Award Type and NFQ level : CERTIFICATE LEVEL 7
CAO/MU Apply code : MUA08
CAO Points :
Critical Disability Studies is a unique course for people working or wanting to be employed in the disability sector. It attracts both disabled and non-disabled students eager to understand oppression, exclusion and the politics of disability. The course is delivered in a participative, non-threatening way through a series of intertwining modules. The modules enable students to understand current theories and debates of disability, along with tutorials on Independent Living, universal access, social inclusion and general equality issues. If youre looking to challenge and be challenged regarding the assumptions surrounding disability in an enjoyable yet provocative way then disability studies will give you this learning opportunity. On completion students will have explored such topics as models of disability (medical vs social), legislation, access, gender, sexuality, equality issues name but a few.
Duration: 100 hours. The course will take place One Weekend per Month between Oct. and May.
Module 1 Study Skills & Student Support
Module 2 Models of Disability
Module 3 Equality & Advocacy
Module 4 Social Analysis & Environment
Assessment Procedures For assessment purposes, students are expected to have at least a 85% minimum attendance, complete a Learning Journal and other assignments.
International & EU/EFTA Entry Requirements
Mature Students
Participants need to be 21 years of age or over on 1st January of the year in which the course commences. As courses are delivered in keeping with adult education practice, participants will be expected to: be willing to engage with group activities and group learning; be willing to learn through dialogue and reflection on experience; have a level of literacy that is sufficient to complete the assessment requirements.
Additional Information
Admissions requirements
Participants must be 21 years or over
Have experience of working in the field of disability
Have adequate skills to participate fully in a NUI Certificate level course
Have an openness to reflect on ones own practice, attitudes and beliefs
Have a commitment to learning in a group setting
For further information contact Kay at 01 708 6062 or e-mail [email protected]
An Easy Payment Plan is available upon registration