European Research Meeting on Urban Agriculture

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 08:45 to Friday, September 13, 2013 - 15:00
IONTAS building

A European Research Meeting on Urban Agriculture will take place at Maynooth University 11-14th, September 2013.

The meeting is part of the COST Action 1106 Urban Agriculture Europe which was established in 2012 and runs until 2016.  It includes researchers and practitioners from more than 20 European countries. The objective is to elaborate a European perspective on Urban Agriculture and its potential for sustainable development according to the Europe 2020 Strategy. Prof. Mary Corcoran from the Department of Sociology is hosting the meeting.

As part of the programme there will be a keynote speaker and panel discussion on the morning of Thursday, September 12th. This open session is aimed at policy makers, practitioners and all who are interested in advancing the urban agriculture and the green agenda.See schedule below.

If you  would like to attend for the morning session please email [email protected] before September 4th,  2013.   Booking is essential for this event.

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

Venue: IONTAS building, North Campus, National University of Ireland, Maynooth

08:45  Welcome from President Philip Nolan, Maynooth University

09:00  Professor M. Yokohari, University of Tokyo ‘Agri-activities in Asian Cities’

10:30   Panel discussion with stakeholders from Irish urban agricultural sector

       Michael Kelly, Grow It Yourself (GIY Ireland)
        Peadar Lynch, Dublin Community Growers
        Sandra Austin, Community Growers Network
        Hans Visser, Fingal County Council
        Kaethe Burt-O'Dea Spuds

11:30   Coffee

12:00   Short presentations by Urban Agriculture Europe (COST ACTION) working groups

    Definitions of urban agriculture and CAP reform
    Governance and local policies on urban agriculture
    Entrepreneurial models of urban agriculture
    Landscape, spatial planning and urban agriculture                       

 12:30    Short address by Minister for Agriculture, Mr. Simon Coveney.