Maynooth University IT Services
ToggleRequest New Voice Mailbox
Should you wish to request Voicemail for a Telephone Extension please email [email protected] providing the following information:
- Your name
- Your department
- The extension number for which you require Voicemail
- Your Office/Room location (Building & Room number)
Voicemail - How To
To Access (or Download) a full set of Operational Instructions for Voicemail - Please Click on the link below: Voicemail Operational Instructions
Inheriting a Voice Mailbox
Where you know the Security Code of the previous user:
The following are the instructions for when you inherit an existing Voice Mailbox (and know the Security Code of the previous user) and want to ‘make it your own’.
You will need to set a new Security Code, Record Name and Greeting:
- Security Code:
The Security Code is ‘in effect’ the password of your Voice Mailbox, to set it up you:
- Enter your Voice Mailbox in the usual fashion, by:
- Lift the handpiece
- Dial 3400
- Then enter the existing Security Code
- Now immediately change this Security Code to one you will now use, by:
- At the ready prompt enter 3, followed by 1, followed by 4 and follow the prompts given
- Record Name:
The Record Name is simply something like ‘Peter Byrne’ (It is not what callers hear on ringing your extension), to set it up you:
- Enter your Voice Mailbox in the usual fashion
- At the ready prompt enter 3, followed by 1, followed by 5 and follow the prompts given
- Greeting:
The Greeting is what callers hear when you are unavailable, to set it up you:
- Enter your Voice Mailbox in the usual fashion
- At ready prompt enter 3, followed by 1, followed by 3, followed by 2 and follow prompts given
Where you do not know the Security Code of the previous user:
Email [email protected] and state that you wish to inherit (take over) the Mailbox (Voicemail) of a previous user providing the following information:
- Your name
- Your department
- Your Voice Mailbox number (Extension number)
- Your Office/Room location (Building, Room number and Floor)
IT Services will reset the Security Code of this Voice Mailbox and forward you the relevant instructions to ‘take-over’ this Voice Mailbox.
Reset Security Code
Email [email protected] and state that you wish us to reset the Security Code for a Voice Mailbox providing the following information:
- Your name
- Your department
- Your Voice Mailbox number (Extension number)
- Your Office/Room location (Building and Room number)
IT Services will reset the Security Code of this Voice Mailbox and forward you the relevant instructions to set a new Security Code.