


Award Type and NFQ level : UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE (8)

CAO/MU Apply code : MH502

CAO Points : 418

Closing Date : 01 July 2025

View QQI details

Degree Overview
> This degree is jointly accredited by both the legal and accounting professions. Students can avail of exemptions (upon graduation) from CAP 1 examinations from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland, and equivalent examination papers from the ACCA and CIMA professional accounting bodies. This law degree is accredited by the Honorable Society of King's Inns.
>This degree is designed for those who would like to study law while gaining a strong background in accounting. For the three years of this programme, students take Law and Accounting in equal measure, making this degree particularly attractive for those considering a career in either of these fields.
>Students acquire key financial and accounting skills alongside a thorough grounding in core law subjects.
>Become a highly sought-after law and accounting graduate with the technical and transferable skills needed to succeed in your chosen career. Enhance your employability by developing your faculties for argument, reasoning and for the analysis of complicated ideas.
>BCL students who successfully complete the first year of the programme have the option of transferring into the second year of the LLB programme (MH501).

Duration: 3 years or 4 years (with Erasmus/study abroad option)

Law is taken jointly with Accounting for the three years of the programme.

  • Students acquire a thorough grounding in both core law subjects and key financial and accounting skills.
  • Students take the core modules required for professional legal and accounting careers, but also choose from a range of optional modules. No prior knowledge  of accounting or law is required, as we teach both subjects from first principles. 
  • A number of modules focus on developing critical skills (legal writing, advocacy, financial literacy and communication skills).   
  • You can apply for a work placement in a law or accounting firm, or for a year studying abroad, during your degree (subject to availability - the University will support you in the search for a placement job; however, the process is competitive).

Transfer option available into this degree from the Bachelor of Arts Degree MH101 - subject to meeting requirements.

Course Duration: 3 years or 4 years (with Erasmus/study abroad option)

Law - Fergus Ryan - Maynooth University

Head of Department

Department of Law

Department of Motherhood Project

Department of Sexualities and Gender

Department of ALL Institute

Department of Faculty of Social Sciences

Default person profile picture


Department of Law

Amina Adanan profile


Department of Law

Default person profile picture


Department of Law

Law - Sibo Banda - Maynooth University


Department of Law

Ollie Bartlett - Law -MaynoothUniversity


Department of Law

Department of ALL Institute

Default person profile picture


Department of Law

Default person profile picture


Department of Law

Default person profile picture


Department of Law

Default person profile picture


Department of Law

David Cowan - Law - Maynooth University


Department of Law

Conor Crummey


Department of Law


Department of Law

Edward Dove headshot


Department of Law

Department of ALL Institute

Dr David Doyle


Department of Law

Brian Flanagan - Law


Department of Law

jiangyuan fu headshot


Department of Law


Department of Law

Law - Alice Harrison - Maynooth University


Department of Law


Department of Law

Dr Yağmur Hortoğlu  - School of Law and Criminology


Department of Law

Department of ALL Institute

Orla Kelleher


Department of Law


Department of Law

Emmanuel Kypraios


Department of School of Business

Department of Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of International

Department of ICARUS

Law - Neil Maddock - Maynooth University


Department of Law

Default person profile picture


Department of Law


Department of Law

Aisling McMahon - Dept of Law - Maynooth University


Department of Law

Department of ALL Institute

Department of Human Health Institute

John Morrison - Law


Department of Law

Law - Maria Murphy - Maynooth University


Department of Law

Default person profile picture


Department of Law

Leanne Oleary headshot


Department of Law


Department of Law

Department of ALL Institute


Department of Law

Department of ALL Institute

John Reynolds - Law - Maynooth University


Department of Law

Sinead Ring - Law - Maynooth University


Department of Law

cydney sheridan headshot


Department of Law


Department of Law

Oisin Suttle - Law - Maynooth University


Department of Law

Dr Karen Walsh


Department of Law

Kevin Wozniak


Department of Law

After Graduation
>Embark on the route to becoming a professional in accounting or law, both of which offer a rewarding career with international mobility and high earning potential.
>The numeracy skills, coupled with an ability to think critically and analytically, which are developed on this programme, are invaluable assets in a wide range of careers. Graduates have successful and rewarding careers in accounting, banking and the financial services sector generally, as well as financial research and teaching.
>Graduates of the BCL programme, wishing to pursue a career in accounting, will be in a position to enter professional training and avail of exemptions from the professional accounting bodies. The BA Accounting and Finance, BBS Business and Accounting and BCL Law and Accounting have full CAP 1 exemptions.
>Graduates of the BCL will be eligible to take the Law Society's FE-1 entrance examinations (necessary to access training as a solicitor) and the entrance examinations for the King’s Inns' Barrister-at-law degree programme (necessary to access training as a barrister).
>Many of our students continue to further postgraduate study in a very wide range of Law, Business, Accounting and Finance subjects at Maynooth University.

Visit the School website for more information about postgraduate options.

This table displays the requirements for Leaving Certificate applicants.
Subject Required Ordinary Level Grade Higher Level Grade
Irish Yes O6 H7
English Yes O6 H7
Language No N/A N/A
Math Yes O4 H7
Science No N/A N/A

International & EU/EFTA Entry Requirements

Mature Students

Mature Applicants 

Mature applicants are assessed separately to school-leavers. Mature applicants are 23 years or older by 1st January in the year of entry to the University. For part-time/flexible degrees the mature age is 21. 

Click here to be taken to our mature applicant information page - tab 3 on that page outlines application steps for this degree.

Mature applicants who have a disability 

If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty (e.g. dyslexia), and require support for any required written exercise/interview/ online video audition which may form part of your application assessment, you must complete an online request form and submit supporting documentation by 15 March 2025. Applications for alternative examination accommodation cannot be considered after this deadline.

For further information on the supporting documentation required, as well as examination and other supports visit the Access Office website.

01 February 2024

Additional Information

Leaving Certificate Applicants 

Required to present (as a minimum): 2H5 & 4O6/H7, O6/H7 in Irish, English. O4/H7 Mathematics also required if taking the BCL Law and Accounting stream within MH502. MH502 Round 1 Points 2024: 418

Transfer option available into this degree from the Bachelor of Arts Degree MH101 - subject to meeting requirements.


DARE: The Disability Access Route to Education is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education.

HEAR: The Higher Education Access Route is a third level admissions scheme for school leavers from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Contact the Access Office for more information about these access routes.

The Maynooth Education

Click here for details about optional Critical Skills courses, Electives and degree pathways.


The application process depends on the type of applicant you are. Click here for all information about how to apply.

Categories of applicant:

  • School-leavers (Leaving Certificate students)
  • Mature students (23 years or older by 1st January in the year of entry to the University/part-time degrees the mature age is 21)
  • EU/EFTA/UK students
  • International students (outside the EU)
  • QQI (Further Education) students
  • Transferring students
  • Deferring students
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